How To Practice Gratitude
Gratitude, like everything in life, is a perception, a state of mind, and a choice. We can live life with the perception of negativity (everything is “bad” or “wrong”) or with fear (“what if this or that happens”) or being a victim (blaming someone or something). The truth is our perception creates how we see our reality, therefore, not only does it take less overall energy to adopt a perspective of gratitude it will also improve the quality of your life.
The hardest part is in making the shift! When I was working on changing to a more positive outlook, I was vigilant in examining the flow of unconscious thoughts going through my head. With every negative, victim, or fearful thought, I changed it to “the good news is” and searched to find good in every situation or person that was challenging me. You will be amazed at how much effort it takes to tune into the stream of unconsciousness flowing through our minds but it is so worth it! With diligent practice you can shift seeing the world through negative eyes to more positive ones in just a few short weeks. It doesn’t take long at all and makes for a more peaceful life.
Another tool is to have gratitude for our hardships. One of my mentors said to me, “when you have gratitude for your lessons then you are getting somewhere.” This one is not easy either but if you have made the shift to a more positive outlook, it is much easier to do. Life is a series of lessons designed for our own healing and growth. Lessons are not easy! It is important to understand that EVERYTHING happens in our world to bring about deeper understanding and healing of ourselves. When we get that everything is perfect as it unfolds, it makes it much easier to breathe and then act vs. react. So when something happens or goes “wrong”, ask yourself how it is benefitting you in your overall growth or what your lesson is.
When we start seeing our lessons in all situations it opens the door to gratitude. Next you will notice life takes less energy because you are not holding onto negativity, anger, and resentment. Also, the exhaustion from riding the emotional roller coaster of life will subside and life will seem easier, the world will start looking brighter, feel friendlier and look more peaceful.
– Cynthia Pickett, LCSW, LADC
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